Bangladesh’s jewellers on Sunday raised the price of 22-carat gold by Tk 2,904 a bhari (11.664 grams), setting the new price of the precious metal at Tk 1,22,985 a bhari, which will take effect from today.
According to a Bangladesh Jewellers Association press release issued on the day, the standing committee on pricing and price monitoring of BAJUS made the decision.
Previously, the gold was sold at Tk 1,20,081 a bhari, that had been in effect since July 15 of this year.
As per the new rate, the price of a 21-carat gold increased by Tk 2,776 a bhari to Tk 1,17,398 a bhari, that of 18-carat gold increased by Tk 2,379 a bhari to Tk 1,00,625 a bhari and the price of traditional gold load went up by Tk 1,971 a bhari to Tk 83,199 a bhari.