HARRISBURG — The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) recently announced a $1,325,699 investment in Penn State University’s Agricultural Workforce Development Project to continue Pennsylvania’s legacy as a national agriculture leader. The project, funded through the Farms & Agribusiness Workforce Engagement Grant initiative, aims to strengthen the Commonwealth’s agricultural workforce by increasing awareness of PA CareerLink® services, providing targeted technical assistance for employers in the agriculture sector and training stakeholders to address the unique workforce needs of farmers and agribusinesses.
Pennsylvania is home to more than 53,000 farms, supporting more than 600,000 jobs and contributing $132.5 billion annually.
“As we work to ensure Pennsylvania remains a national leader in agriculture, we must support the many small farms and agribusinesses facing challenges with attracting and retaining skilled workers,” said L&I Secretary Nancy A. Walker. “Ag is not just a way of life in Pennsylvania, it’s also a cornerstone of our economy. The Shapiro Administration has selected Penn State to carry out this important project, which will help strengthen the industry’s workforce for years to come.”
Key highlights of the University’s project include:
Registering 1,000 farms and agribusinesses in the Commonwealth Workforce Development System while promoting PA CareerLink® services.
Providing 10,000 hours of technical assistance to at least 100 farms and agribusinesses, focusing on HR practices, legal compliance, safety, and employee management.
Educating workforce system providers about the specific needs of the agricultural sector, including by hosting events with subject matter experts and industry leaders to share insights on workforce trends and challenges.
Penn State, in partnership with L&I and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA), will coordinate with local workforce development boards to implement its program.
The Shapiro Administration’s prioritized investments in agriculture include:
Creating the first statewide Economic Development Strategy in nearly two decades that puts agriculture at the forefront.
Investing $1 million to create a new, one of the first-of-its kind Organic Center for Excellence to empower and support organic farmers and businesses and signed legislation creating a PA Preferred Organic™ brand for locally grown organic agricultural products.
Securing $13.8 million in PA Farm Bill investments each year since taking office, providing critical funds for rebuilding the workforce, and expanding processing infrastructure and marketing opportunities for the industry.
This initiative is 100% federally funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act’s (WIOA) Statewide set aside funding.
For more information on the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry and its workforce development initiatives, please visit the website or follow L&I on Facebook, X, and LinkedIn.