Explorer les opportunités d’investissement de portefeuille dans la région de l’UEMOA
Londres, Royaume-Uni – 19 février 2025 – La Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM)
revient à Londres pour le lancement très attendu de la nouvelle édition des « BRVM Investment
Days ».
Désormais incontournable dans le calendrier des investisseurs internationaux, les BRVM
Investment Days se tiendront le 8 avril 2025 à la Bourse de Londres. Ce roadshow est l’occasion
parfaite de découvrir en profondeur le paysage des affaires et des investissements en Afrique
de l’Ouest, en favorisant le dialogue stratégique entre les acteurs des marchés financiers
régionaux de l’Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA) et les investisseurs
Sur invitation uniquement, cette tournée sur le thème « Explorer les opportunités
d’investissement de portefeuille dans la région de l’UEMOA » présente les perspectives
régionales d’investissement et des secteurs économiques clés, notamment les
télécommunications, les services financiers, l’agriculture et l’énergie.
Les BRVM Investment Days visent également à renforcer l’intégration régionale et à mettre en évidence la
diversification économique et les opportunités de croissance au Bénin, pays à l’honneur.
Le Bénin sera mis en lumière, alors que le gouvernement s’efforce de revitaliser l’économie du
pays et d’attirer les investissements étrangers dans des secteurs populaires tels que le tourisme
For more information: www.brvminvestmentdays.com
For immediate release
Exploring Portfolio Investment Opportunities in the WAEMU Region
London, United Kingdom – 19 February 2025 – The West African Regional Stock Exchange, the
Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM), is returning to London for the eagerly awaited
launch of the latest BRVM Investment Days Roadshow.
BRVM Investment Days, now a familiar must-attend event on the international investment
agenda, takes place on 8 April 2025 at the London Stock Exchange. The roadshow is the ideal
opportunity to get a detailed overview of the West African business and investment landscape,
as it fosters strategic dialogue between participants in the West African Economic and Monetary
Union (WAEMU) regional financial market and international investors.
The invitation-only tour, themed ‘Exploring Portfolio Investment Opportunities in the WAEMU
Region’, showcases the regional investment prospects with valuable insight into key sectors of
interest, including telecommunications, financial services, agriculture and energy. BRVM
Investment Days also aims to enhance regional integration and highlight the economic
diversification and growth opportunities in the guest country, Benin.
The spotlight will be on Benin as the government is working to revitalise Benin’s economy and
attract foreign investments in popular sectors like tourism and manufacturing. The country is
focused on public-private partnerships, job creation and strategies for marketing and
For more information: www.brvminvestmentdays.com
BRVM CEO, Dr Edoh Kossi Amenounve, emphasising the significant success of the BRVM,
explained why the time was right to invest in the region. “The BRVM experienced a second
successive year of improvement and cemented its position as the fifth largest stock exchange
in Africa. The positive development in our overall market capitalisation strengthened the
BRVM’s weight in the regional economy, as it is now approximately 15.12% of GDP, compared to
9.17% in 2012. Indeed, the BRVM offers returns of more than 8% on the stock market and of
around 6% on the bond market, which is attracting an increasing number of investors.”
Following the conference, on 9 April, thematic high-level meetings focused on Green Finance
and Islamic Finance will take place.
BRVM Investment Days 2025 is the premier event for institutional investors, investment advisors,
corporate advisors and bankers, political and economic authorities and market players in the
WAEMU as well as the Diaspora.
Previous editions in Paris, New York, Dubai and Johannesburg gathered around a hundred
investors and financiers in each city and were highly successful.
About BRVM
The BRVM is the world’s first fully integrated regional stock exchange, shared by the eight
countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU): Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte
d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. BRVM is currently the fifth-largest stock
exchange in Africa, and at the end of 2024 had a market capitalisation of 10,078.68 billion CFA
francs, an increase of 26.51% and a gain of 2,111.72 billion CFA francs in one year. Managed by
the Chief Executive Officer, Dr Edoh Kossi Amenounve, the BRVM is based in Côte d’Ivoire.
For more information: www.brvminvestmentdays.com
For more information: www.brvminvestmentdays.com
Media Contacts:
In French: Baleir Pacôme Kouassi, Head of Communication & Marketing Department, BRVM:
E-mail: bpkouassi@brvm.org – Tel: +225 07777744833
In English: Claudia Pillay, Public Relations Director, AZ Media PR Ltd.
E-mail: info@brvminvestmentdays.com – claudia.pillay@gmail.com – Tel: +27 84 8844 317